文化芸術は、土地・風土と人がおりなす営みです。 その土地の人と、その土地の文化が共に生きていなければ、 文化は、その土地の血肉となることはないのではないか、と考えています。 拙速な文化の観光化・産業化ではなく、まず沖縄の人たちが共に愛する文化を育んでこそ、 沖縄の文化は、いつまでも生きた観光資源として、多くの人たちを魅了し続けるものになる、 そう考えています。
In order to make cultural arts a sustainable tourism resource in Okinawa, we believe that culture and the arts are the result of the interactions between the land, its environment, and its people. If the people of the land and its culture do not coexist, culture cannot truly become the essence of that land. Rather than hastily commodifying culture for tourism and industry, we believe that nurturing the culture that the people of Okinawa collectively cherish is paramount. Only by doing so can Okinawan culture continue to captivate many people as a living tourism resource for generations to come.
The Team
Kei Toguchi
Founder & CEO
„There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people“ Vincent Van Gogh
Junji Mitsuishi
artistic Director
„Forgive me, Majesty. I am a vulgar man! But I assure you, my music is not.“ W.A. Mozart
Philip Rapberger
Art Director
„Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.“ Confucius